Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Advanced Mixing With Kong

Sequencing a drum track is hard enough, let alone getting your drums to settle in the mix right. When using Kong with standard routing, you're limited to how much power you have over your drum tracks. With the technique I'm going to show you, each Kong pad will have it's own lane in Records SSL mixer. Now, since this technique involves a ton of routing and a guaranteed 5 minute setup at minimum, I have upload the Record file to my FileSwap as a free download. So, download the file, then watch my video and I will explain how everything works in case you want to make your own changes. Here is a link to download the file and a link to watch the video:

Watch on Youtube:

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You can buy Reason 5 and Record 1.5 at!
Buy the Reason and Record Duo for a discounted price!


  1. The link leads to no where

  2. sorry about that, the service I used to host my links deleted all files I had uploaded. I'm not sure when I will have time to re-upload each one. For now the video showing how to set it up will have to due.
    sorry for the inconvenience.

  3. It's all good brother. Thanks again for the advanced kong tutorial. Iv'e been trying to get it down, but still working out the kinks.

    1. The link has been updated on my website


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