Monday, April 18, 2011

Great studio for less than a grand!

I'm about to graduate from high school and have been looking to get my studio gear rolling. While I've been shopping I've gathered several links from different sites finding amazing deals on amazing gear. Best of all, I've managed to built the ultimate student studio for less than a grand. As a student I get some special discounts which I have included. I have listed both student and non-student deals with separate totals at the bottom.
note: Student items only are in purple. Prices may differ from country to country. Prices are subject to change.

Below are the sites I found the gear at. Each item is linked to it's corresponding page.

Student = $907.41
Normal = $1032.41

If you aren't a student and the extra $124.00 is the roadblock between your gear and your significant other allowing you to buy then you still have a few options. You can decrease the length of the audio cable or find a cheaper pair of cables. You can also get the Mackie MR5 studio monitors (although not suggested). You will loose 3" compared to the MR8's which as we all now, those extra 3" will give a better frequency response. Another choice you have is to stick with Pro Tools LE 8. What you will miss out on increased available track lanes, and compatibility with interfaces rather than the M Box. (thanks to RAYGProductions for the Pro Tools tips).

The point of this is to help you find quality gear with out burning a whole in your life savings. While it is possible to get a cheaper setup, you will get just that. A CHEAP set-up. As a student this is all can afford and is a major improvment in my current set-up. So, go and enjoy these great deals and let me know if you find anything better in a comment or from the "Contact" page.

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  1. Sounds like a pretty good set-up Brandon! It's amazing the discounts one can get for being a student. My copies of Reason, Reaktor, and Ableton Live were all bought while a student.

  2. @Lewis.72 sadly I did not know there was a student discount for Reason and Record when I bought it. But I did get the Student upgrade to R5 and R1.5 if I remember right. I've gotten the student discount for all of my Adobe software though. Saved a lot of money!


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